Wednesday 30 June 2010

96: Marmelade cake, p10

Another cake to take to work - am feeding up the team, trying to get them to all put on some weight... Another one of Nigel's super easy pound cakes, and another success. People grumble that they can't make cakes, or don't have time to make them, and yet these recipes are so so easy - esp if you've got a food processor. Just bung the sugar and butter in to cream, mix everything else in, splodge it in the cake tin, and bake for 40mins. Easypeasy! And I have two shocking cheats, to horrify the purists out there... firstly I don't bother sieving the flour most of the time (started when I bought that McDougall's 'so fine it doesn't need to be sieved' flour, and then went back to normal but forgot, and found it didn't actually make much difference...), and secondly I don't bother cutting out baking parchment to fit the tins, I just tear a piece to large than the whole inside area and scrunch it in, with the leftover uneven edges sticking straight out the top. Seems to work fine! And the added bonus is that you can just lift the cake straight out of the tin, no more turning out disasters, cool it in the paper, and wrap it straight up to take into work with the leftover edges. Lazy, moi?

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