Wednesday, 9 June 2010

88: Roast tomatoes with anchovy and basil, p236

Baked these tomatoes at the same time as those for yesterday's tomatoes with cheese, but these ones are served at room temperature, so left them for part of today's dinner. Mmm, yummy they were too. Tasty basily, roasted tomatoes with meaty, fishy goodness of the anchovies mixed in.

Why did Nigel Slater have so many tomatoes during the summer he wrote this book?? There are five recipes in July alone involving roasting large quantities of tomatoes... I've been cutting the quantities down massively so I'm not eating each one for days on end for lunch...

1 comment:

youneeker said...

There were a ridiculous amount of tomatos for months in my garden last year - I couldn't give them away!
Am guessing that's why Mr Slater has many recipes? And same applies to Broad Beans, although for a shorter period. Much easier to pick when small, and then you can munch them raw like fresh peas - yum :-)