Friday, 8 January 2010

9: Double ginger cake, p15

Got a cake craving last night. Must have been the pilates class and 'light' dinner...

Potential problem is that I don't actually much like ginger. Not in sweet foods, anyway... It's supposed to be really good for nausea but I tend to feel a bit nauseous after eating sweet gingery things... But, it's in the book, it's got to be done!

Curious batter this, very fluid... Recipe says 'mixture should be sloppy' and Maggie Don's blog says that the ginger/fruit sank to the bottom because the batter was so floppy, but still a bit worrying... and it took a good 10mins longer in the oven that the 40mins in the recipe (maybe Nigel does have a fan oven after all). Ho hum. It smells delicious and hopes are high... if only one didn't have to wait for it to cool down a bit before diving in!!

No gym class this evening, in-case you hadn't guessed...

Cake-related disaster! Got a little bit stuck in the tin and so sides look a bit... eroded...

It is a nice, light, moist texture, has risen really nicely, but unfortunately, as predicted, it's a bit too sweet and super super gingery (that'll be the double ginger) for me to really like.

EDIT: actually, on second tasting (and a proper piece instead of all the overcooked crumbly bits that fell off/were left in the tin), it's actually quite nice! The ginger bits and raisins did sink to the bottom, and aren't for me, but this leaves lots of nice lightly gingery cake on top, hurrah!

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