Saturday 6 February 2010

35: Pork and lemon polpettine, p126

Oh gosh, the meatball/patty things strike again and these may have been the best yet... Scrummy meaty, lemony, Parmesany (although T didn't notice the presence of the Parmesan, probably due to the very lemony nature of the patties) and golden and crispy on the outside. Served with the juices from the pan made as per the recipe, rocket and tomato with balsamic dressing, and steamed rice.

These will definitely be made again...

(The anchovy fillets no doubt made them extra meaty-tasting, but is it just me or do the little bones in anchovies freak anyone else out? There just seem to be so many of them, and they crunch, ick! Luckily, the recipe called for them to be chopped so I did so crossways, so the bones were very very short... Ick ick ick)

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