Tuesday 28 December 2010

189: Cheese bubble and squeak, p391

No leftovers here - Christmas was spent as ever at a moveable feast of relatives' homes, so I made some mash and steamed some greens for these bubble and squeak patties. Never really been a fan of bubble and squeak but then boiled up cabbage and Brussels sprouts mashed up and reheated don't really do much for me. But with lightly steamed greens, and a good helping of Cheddar cheese, these were rather tasty... But they didn't make firm little patties which could be browned and turned easily in the frying pan, maybe I should have used some flour to soak up some of the moisture, or popped them in the fridge for a bit to firm up. Oh well! They were hot through and tasty, that'll do!
Merry Christmas everyone! Unbelievably - only four recipes to go!

1 comment:

maggiedon said...

Only four recipes to go?! Wow! Well done Dr Mouse - what do you have planned for NEXT year?