Monday, 22 November 2010

166: Raspbery vanilla ice-cream cake, p316

Hmm, not convinced about this one... used nice buttery Madeira cake and vanilla icecream from Waitrose, and lots of raspberries and mixed summer fruits (moo, miscalculated and didn't have quite enough raspberries so added some berries from the freezer). Perhaps the late substitution was part of the problem, but the fruit was rock solid when it came to serving - even after over 30mins on the work surface before slicing as per the directions. The fruit shattered as the cake was being sliced, the icecream was very nice (mmm, Waitrose...), the Madeira cake was, well, just very cold Madeira cake which started to crumble when sliced. Posh Arctic Roll gone a bit wrong.

1 comment:

maggiedon said...

I remember this one being a bit of a disappointment too. I think I said I would mash the raspberried and ripple them through the ice cream were I ever to make it again.....which I haven't. BUT I have made the lemon trifle several times now, and layer the mixtures up in little glasses (otherwise I'd eat the whole bowl). Somehow, eating 3 glasses doesn't feel as naughty as a great big dollop in a dish. Who am I kidding???!!!