Saturday 24 April 2010

60: A clear, hot mussel soup, p26

A disaster! Possibly the most disastrous meal I've ever cooked - I don't know what possessed me! Home from work late on a Friday, hubby away for a conference,  and fridge almost empty, I suddenly remembered the suspicious bag of frozen mussels I had in the freezer. Bad call. Buying them in the first place. And using them now. I remember thinking in the supermarket 'I love mussels. Surely if they sell them frozen, they aren't that bad frozen? It'd be nice to have mussels whenever I want...'. Doh. They are horrid. Nasty little morsels which either have the consistency of chewed up cardboard or little pieces of bicycle inner tube. Why do they sell frozen mussels if this is what happens to them?? Ick. Ick. Ick. This recipe should have been lovely. A nice simple, Tom Yum style soup, zingy and hot and sweet and sour all at once. And the broth was. But the nasty little defrosted nuggets in it were revolting and I managed to eat two before my better nature saw the next one trigger my gag reflex. And into the food waste recycling bin it went. Along with the rest of the soup. And the rest of the bag of mussels. Oh to have a nice, affordable fishmongers nearby... Will I try this again? It'd be nice to, but the year is racing by already, and I've got a lot of recipes to get through, so I'm not sure...

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