Thursday, 28 October 2010

153: Roast fillet of lamb with anchovy and mint, p90

Not a fillet, made this with a boneless rolled shoulder joint (been sitting in the freezer since Tesco's delivered a near random selection of cuts of lamb which weren't the ones I'd ordered... So I didn't follow the timings given in this recipe, for a much smaller piece of meat. Worked well though - I gave the c.900g shoulder c.65mins in the oven at 180degC (fan oven) and then let it rest for a good 15mins before serving - with the marinade on the outside not burning to a crisp and the meat itself very moist and deliciously light pink inside. Lovely jubbly.

T (who keeps rolling his eyes at yet another lamb recipe, as he doesn't really like lamb very much) actually declared this the best lamb he'd ever had, so it definitely passed muster with him!

The new potatoes were good too - and ended up covered in deliciously crispy tasty bits of the marinade, left after the meat. Yum!

40 recipes to go! Will I make it by the end of December?? We're moving house middle of next week, so I might blitz a few more this weekend before another quiet chunk when I might not be able to do too much in the way of cooking. Only 11 done so far this month - must do more! Planning a couple of dinner parties/soirees once we're into the new place, which will let me tick off quite a few... fingers crossed!

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